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Arts in Education at Batesville Intermediate School - Playhouse in the Park workshops


RAA was proud to support the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park Extended Dramatic Interpretation Workshops which were held at Batesville Intermediate School September 1-22. Each class in the school had the opportunity to participate in five 45-minute lessons with an art educator from Playhouse in the Park!

Each grade participated in a different program:

3rd grade - The BFG

4th grade - Greek Mythology

5th grade - The Bridge to Terabithia

In addition, RAA was excited to help offer two different after-school program.

The first was “Actor's Toolbox Workshop”. Just as a handyman has a toolbox of hammers and nails, an actor carries their toolbox everywhere. Using the five pillars—body, voice, imagination, concentration and collaboration—the Actor's Toolbox teaches a basic understanding of introductory arts integration for the classroom. Forty-two 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders participated in this program.

The second after school program was “Careers Beyond the Stage”. Acting is only one of dozens of theatre professions. In this offering, arts educators discuss the roles of Actor, Director, Playwright, Stage Manager, Choreographer and Fight Director, as well as Scenic, Lighting, Sound and Costume Designer. We go over the steps that one must take in order to participate in these exciting departments in the world of theatre. Thirty-nine additional students were able to participate in "Careers Beyond the Stage".

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