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HeART and Sole of Downtown Batesville OUR TOWN PUBLIC ART PROJECT


Our Town Public Art is a subcommittee of Batesville Area Arts Council’s (a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization) NEA Our Town Grant - HeART and Sole of Downtown Batesville. We are seeking qualified artists or artist teams to create outdoor permanent art projects for multiple locations in downtown Batesville. At least one art installation is planned before September 1, 2021.

BAAC OUR TOWN - HeART and Sole of Downtown Batesville serves as an arts‐based civic engagement process that promotes downtown Batesville and is intended to engage audiences of all ages. The HeART and Sole initiative seeks to build upon the successes of recently completed public art and placemaking projects. This project’s focus will be to continue to enliven downtown Batesville by building the concept and design for a Living Walnut Street Corridor, which includes a plan for streetscape transformation with a public art component. The project aligns with initiatives identified by the community, Batesville Main Street , the City of Batesville’s strategic plan for attracting investment and creating a more vibrant and thriving downtown. Our Town Batesville Public Art seeks qualified artists to design and create exterior art projects for a series of locations in downtown Batesville. The artwork will enhance the overall character and atmosphere of the downtown core and support a welcoming environment. The design of each project should take into consideration the location of the wall, the architecture of the structure, the viewing angles of the surface and the impact on the surrounding area.Local, regional and national artists and designers are invited to submit design ideas, total size not to exceed a dimension that equals the same total surface area, for spaces identified below.

Artists who have demonstrated experience will complete the project independently and/or with a crew, if approved by project organizers . The Public Art selection team for HeART and Sole will meet with the mural team for a design consultation and provide initial oversight and timeline.



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